Master Your Time.
Boost Your Productivity.
Level Up Your Law Firm with Creaplan Consulting.
A Proven Strategy to Bring You Success
With a background in mathematics, I help you take concrete steps towards an efficient and lucrative legal practice.
Through personalized coaching, I give you the tools to eliminate distractions, focus your attention on work that matters, and enjoy increased revenue while reducing effort.
What I Offer You
Over a 12-week period, our weekly 1-on-1 sessions center on addressing and overcoming your time management challenges so that nothing holds you back from being the accomplished attorney owner you are.
A Plan that Fits Your Needs
CREAPLAN = Create a Plan
I feel that’s where it all starts if you want to become more productive and less stressed in your business and personal life.
Having a clear plan of your goals leads you to better prioritize your days, effectively plan weeks, and helps you to block your calendar well. They are all connected (goals, prioritizing, calendar blocking) and go TOGETHER. I see people trying to fix one part, e.g. now they start setting goals or now they write a to-do list for the day, or they focus on calendar blocking but it does not work.
Fixing one part without understanding the relation will not solve the problem.
It is not effective if you open up time in your calendar but you don’t know what’s important to work on (not having priority tasks), or if you make a to-do list but you don’t know what are your important goals for the quarter, these tasks most likely will be a low-importance work. Only when you create a solid plan for your goals, you will put all pieces of the system in place and be proactive instead of reactive.
I’m Here to Lower Your Stress and Make You More Money
Hi, I’m Vaida.
While pursuing my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Applied Mathematics, I came to appreciate how the right systems can keep producing the same amazing results, again and again.
I’ve carried that mindset with me ever since: from doctoral research in Applied Physics to working as a marketing analyst to being in the car import business, I developed a keen sense for both organizing thoughts and strategizing to meet milestones.
As a time management and productivity consultant, I now apply those skills to provide you with a rock-solid framework for realizing your vision in a methodical way.
If my experiences have taught me anything, it’s that triumph isn’t a fluke. It requires the clarity to recognize what your goals are, a plan in place to achieve those goals, and the determination to execute that plan by taking regular, manageable actions.
When you use a formula, anything is possible.
The year that I created Creaplan Consulting.
The number of 1:1 clients I’ve worked with within 3 years.
The number of books I read in 2023.
Percent of my clients have achieved or surpassed their goals by working with me.
“You don’t rise to the level of your GOALS.
You fall to the level of your SYSTEMS.”
What I do to Make
Your Job Easier
You’re an Attorney Owner who:
Has trouble setting goals?
Struggles to break goals into smaller steps?
Isn’t sure how to prioritize tasks?
Doesn’t get around to planning days and weeks?
Is overwhelmed trying to keep up with emails?
Has issues maintaining a well-structured calendar?
Finds it difficult to keep their physical and digital workspaces neat?
I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be this way!
My 12-week program will:
Help you to identify 1-3 key goals/projects and make a plan for reaching them
Teach you to prioritize, plan your day, and plan the upcoming week
Show you how to better manage your emails
Audit and restructure your calendar so you have more time for important work
Organize your physical and digital offices
How it Works
Getting You on Track for Long-Term Productivity
We start off with a free strategy call to get a preliminary sense of your challenges and determine fit. Once we decide to work together, I send you an agreement to sign as well as an invoice, and we book 12 calls. These one-on-one calls occur once per week for 45 minutes to 1 hour.
Before the first call, I have you fill out an extended questionnaire to get a more detailed idea of the issues you’re facing so that the program centers on fixing them in particular.
The cost of the initial program is 9,000€. After the 12 weeks are over, you have the option of continued support and advanced time management techniques to build upon the new habits you’ve learned during our time together.
Month 1
The first month focuses on setting a system in place that best helps you execute your goals. Although I recommend using Notion software for organizing your online workspace, I do tailor the program to tools you already use so that your needs are respected.
Month 2
The second month involves implementing that system while sharpening your planning skills. Typically this includes auditing the calendar to open up uninterrupted time for important work and use of a physical planner to structure your days and weeks to maximize results.
Month 3
The final month is dedicated to more thorough email management as well as decluttering and organizing your physical and digital spaces.
In short, my program is designed to empower you for lasting success.
Ready for Less Distraction and More Profit?
Fill out and submit the form below so we can set you up for your FREE strategy call.